Sunday, February 20, 2011

Real Testicle Earings

Exhibition MORGANE Tschiember Besançon

BESANCON until March 25

Showcases pad
7 Place Victor Hugo - 25000 Besançon
03 81 81 91 57
http://www. /
Admission free Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h

At first glance, the space seems empty pad in the pond. On the three walls facing the window, three works, discrete, and imposing phlegmatic expect the visitor's eye.

Huge slabs of glass, silkscreen, wearing dark frames, simple, minimal but very studied, are placed on wooden blocks a few inches of soil and are based on a slightly inclined wall painted some colored geometric figures.

After the technical findings of use of the object, we allow ourselves to move quickly in the thick of the work. The game of transparencies and reflections create filters, screens that disturb the view. On glass, color halftone materializes in brightness and dullness. The shadows of visitors from outside, are gray and moving and continue to question our perception.

Funny "print". What seemed cold and technique is more organic and responsive. The thickness between the wall and the glass turns into a living space where shadows and reflections, become consistent, troubling. Then the effect of waves distilled frames spreads throughout the room, a work reflecting on the other, answering, in a kind of tangible architecture and vibrant.

Frédérique Foulla


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