Saturday, September 25, 2010

Can You Take A Shower After Waxing

TRANFRONTALIERS Exhibition Exhibition in Montbeliard

MONTBELIARD and SOCHAUX until 23 November (30 October for Allan )

In 19 at the Allan at the Mals and Museum Beurnier Rossel

Irene Banchero (arg) - Bernard Boyer - Nicolas Chardon - Philippe Companion - Damascus Martine - Dominica Dehais - Tatjana Doll - Gerard Fabre - Nicolas Guiet - Rodolphe Huguet - Remy Hysbergue - Shirley Kaneda (USA) - Carlos Kusnir (en & arg) - Lamarche & Ovize - Alain Lambilliotte - Dominique Liquois - Valeria Maculan (arg) - Dove Marcasiano - Guillaume Millet - Sebastian Nicolini - Laurence Papouin - Pablo Rosales (arg) - Roussopoulos - Salpisti s & Martinez - Francis Schmitt - Catherine Serikoff - Peter Stämpfli - Remi Uchéda - Villard - Aegis Viloux

One fine September sun, four places to visit in the country for an exhibition of Montbéliard eclectic, colorful, composite and joyful.
. It is under this heading that are gathered 30 artists, more or less young, more or less known. The exhibition brings together, as the commissioner of the artists who practice a mixture of genres, blithely crossing boundaries between disciplines and practices. And there are many, disciplines and practices of border art, for example, decoration, architecture, film, photography, sound design, choreography, music, crafts, literature, performance, etc. ...
Some artists exhibited rather play their "transfrontaliérité" with territories such as abstraction, the readymade, aesthetics, social, art history, space, information technology, humor, etc. ... Difficult in this case an artist not to be cross .....

short. Individual artists, artworks and interesting itineraries, including its research around the abstraction of Bernard and Catherine Boyer Serikoff, installation (beautiful sunny day) and colored calligraphy notebooks very poetic Francis Schmitt, the occupation of space which realizes Nicolas Guiet abstract volumes in bold colors that adhere to architecture, to name a few.
Collectively, exposure rich input and possible ways for the visitor, a trip to the heart of the teachings of the art of the twentieth century, a good time of colors and shapes ...

Frédérique Foulla

top view of exposure to 19
From left to right: Irene Banchero
, Estanque , 2008/2010
Laurence Papouin, suspended green paint, 2009
Exhibition view at Mals


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