Sunday, October 24, 2010

Przyczyny Proby Uduszenia

Exhibition SABIEN WITTEMAN Besançon

BESANCON until November 13

Showcases the pavement
7, Place Victor Hugo - 25000 Besançon
03 81 81 91 57
http:/ /
Free admission Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h

white figures emerge from the black ink on bristol poured and painted by the artist of Dutch origin Sabien Witteman. These men are businessmen, men of power. For the exhibition "Made in pavement," he was given the opportunity to push his artistic accompanying step an entrepreneur and politician in all phases of their everyday work. Thus, the mayor of Besançon, Jean-Louis Fousseret and CEO Breitling lent themselves to exercise.

These "portraits" are the resulting image of an observation patient rights in the exercise of his power. Rather than instantaneous superficial impression, the artist seeks to understand. His paternal grandfather was in the fifties, Minister of Home Affairs in the Netherlands. A separation of his parents, issues of power were found, disrupting the childhood of the artist who is currently pursuing its questions about power and money.

His inks are both true analysis and visions projected unconscious power questioned, admired and feared. The application image is like therapy. Forms and ideas emerge from the black a bit like a Rorschach ink. What do we see? What is known as What do these men live their power? Of about posture? The domain of the man himself?

responsibilities, choices, money, decision-making, the gap is wide between the men of power, authority, and men without. The power he would become an end in itself? Fine analysis, drawings activists, sketches of possible inks Sabien Witteman are like notes, ideas, questions and criticisms .... until the wheel turns ...

Frédérique Foulla

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Olimelt Tablet Side Effects

Exhibition Red Mars Exhibition at Belfort

BELFORT until November 4

Granite Gallery, National Theatre of Belfort Montbéliard
a fbg
Free Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h,
Sunday from 15h to 19h
March 1984 58 67 50

landing on Mars. Everywhere the red. The illusion of a soil horizon until boiling. An immersion into the unknown? Not really.

the middle of the gallery, a kind of control tower, platforms, orbiters ... both reassuring and disturbing futuristic architecture childish constructions, these structures, like the color of the plant world, reflect what we imagine to belong to the world of space exploration and more specifically to the Martian adventure.
Referring both to scientific missions aliens, as the comics, literature, or science fiction, David Renaud moved to the Gallery of Granite, to explore a territory that any the world knows, from near or far, ie, a representation mental and poetic of the planet Mars, in which all interpretations are welcome, all utopias are possible ...

perception of places, their representation and physical reality are often very different, but what is the good, the fairer or more pleasant, if there is one?

Frédérique Foulla

Friday, October 8, 2010

Phrasing For Dedicated To

Poetry Festival in the winery, 2010 - Jurançon - expo PoesiePoesia

Carolina Ap Bio Lab 5

Laure Limongi & Olivier Mellano, Poetry Festival in the cellar-Jurançon The Order, September 18, 2010

Free Welcome Speech For School Function

Sea and Shells in Anjou

One Friday in the Cave is a lot of smiles, laughter, words, glasses, wines of all colors worn on the lips of all colors. On Friday, September 24, 2010 was the return to the heart of the subject live with the subtle and charming duo The Delfs who charmed all eyes and all ears. In

radius wine, anyone could wish to enjoy one of twelve bottles presented. All were perfect, but if one should remember that it would be in the Alsace of Julien Meyer, entitled Sea and Shells, which as its name suggests, is a wine that does not refuse a company navy.

Nobody can better talk about this wine's charming blog Aurelia Bu Web .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Maxine Cartoons On Death


VESOUL until October 31

Ursuline Rooms - 1 rue des Ursulines (near Museum Garret)
Free admission, from 14h to 18h every day except Tuesdays and holidays
March 1984 97 16 60
http://www.vesoul. com /

series of drawings to present Alex Claude Ursuline was conducted specifically for the site. Like an apparition, the same woman with short hair holds the paper. References in the Middle Ages, in chiaroscuro, Rouault and Matisse, his chalk drawings, oily and dry, and wash, assimilated by their economy of means and colors, prints or lithographs . Graphic signs, strong and symbolic, they sound like a presence.

Frédérique Foulla