Saturday, September 25, 2010

Can You Take A Shower After Waxing

TRANFRONTALIERS Exhibition Exhibition in Montbeliard

MONTBELIARD and SOCHAUX until 23 November (30 October for Allan )

In 19 at the Allan at the Mals and Museum Beurnier Rossel

Irene Banchero (arg) - Bernard Boyer - Nicolas Chardon - Philippe Companion - Damascus Martine - Dominica Dehais - Tatjana Doll - Gerard Fabre - Nicolas Guiet - Rodolphe Huguet - Remy Hysbergue - Shirley Kaneda (USA) - Carlos Kusnir (en & arg) - Lamarche & Ovize - Alain Lambilliotte - Dominique Liquois - Valeria Maculan (arg) - Dove Marcasiano - Guillaume Millet - Sebastian Nicolini - Laurence Papouin - Pablo Rosales (arg) - Roussopoulos - Salpisti s & Martinez - Francis Schmitt - Catherine Serikoff - Peter Stämpfli - Remi Uchéda - Villard - Aegis Viloux

One fine September sun, four places to visit in the country for an exhibition of Montbéliard eclectic, colorful, composite and joyful.
. It is under this heading that are gathered 30 artists, more or less young, more or less known. The exhibition brings together, as the commissioner of the artists who practice a mixture of genres, blithely crossing boundaries between disciplines and practices. And there are many, disciplines and practices of border art, for example, decoration, architecture, film, photography, sound design, choreography, music, crafts, literature, performance, etc. ...
Some artists exhibited rather play their "transfrontaliérité" with territories such as abstraction, the readymade, aesthetics, social, art history, space, information technology, humor, etc. ... Difficult in this case an artist not to be cross .....

short. Individual artists, artworks and interesting itineraries, including its research around the abstraction of Bernard and Catherine Boyer Serikoff, installation (beautiful sunny day) and colored calligraphy notebooks very poetic Francis Schmitt, the occupation of space which realizes Nicolas Guiet abstract volumes in bold colors that adhere to architecture, to name a few.
Collectively, exposure rich input and possible ways for the visitor, a trip to the heart of the teachings of the art of the twentieth century, a good time of colors and shapes ...

Frédérique Foulla

top view of exposure to 19
From left to right: Irene Banchero
, Estanque , 2008/2010
Laurence Papouin, suspended green paint, 2009
Exhibition view at Mals

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Homemade Pontoon Boat Motor Mount

Claro / Mellano. Poetry in the winery, 2010.

Poetry in the winery, 2010. The meeting

Claro / Olivier Melano. Playing CosmoZ (Actes Sud)
Warning event.
Those in Jurançon September 16
will remember these forty minutes
others will learn by the band that
History went through there.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Remove Cyst Dog How To

A guy and a girl and Wine Cellar

The aperitif wine and music is back in the Cave of Beaulieu sur Layon on Friday, September 24, 2010. Twelve wines to be tasted and a group to see live: The Delfs

The Delfs : Delphine's and Marc! Delphine, mounted on springs, is a ball of energy, focusing on words and the microphone. Marc is phlegmatic when it's his voice that speaks, but the great body tie is carried away by the music he plays. Delphine character displays a fresh, spontaneous, transparent, Mark is cynical. The thread that links them? A lucid. They expose the foibles of everyday life, the couple or the society, their songs are always filled with humor and tenderness. Lyrics and music continue to back the ball to the audience by revealing an original and yet very universel.Un duo that plays incessantly with the substance and form!

wines: it is a selection of twelve bottles chosen depending on meetings and tastings in the cellar team. The wines come from all walks of life, provided they tell something, a country, a story, a life, a woman, a man, an adventure ... well that's when the wine you drink and with whom we drinks it.

Au Caveau is eaten without pretension, without words, just for fun and in moderation.
Open to all those who love wine, music and partying without fuss !

The Cellar
3, rue Saint Vincent 49750 Beaulieu sur Layon

Admission is free and open from 20h to 23h.

Discover The Delfs on their Myspace

Photo: Cecile Menger