Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Fm Modulator Using Ic 566 Circuit Diagram
Because we do not always want us to justify Community action or its merits, we do not respond here to some press reports.
However, in many cases, "information" given is incorrect.
Thus we read in the local press recently that the last jurisdiction taken by the Community Commons was the road maintenance which is false or that the feasibility study for future community pool had been conducted what is still wrong.
We try to correct what seems to induce mislead the reader but with varying degrees of success and often biased by the author of articles.
Similarly, action-oriented cultural community of the territory are well organized by the Community of Commons even if this information disappears when its transcription. This is true of all film sessions and live performances in agreement with the General Council which are financed by the Community of Communes.
Contrary to what is often led to believe, the Community of Commons is not "competing" in common but their service, instrument of pooling resources for a fairer sharing of projects and in this sense, we can reassure you on the agreement, healthy and supportive members of the Community Council.
We count on you to contact us if in doubt about a file or to obtain accurate, our office is at your disposal for that.
We invite you to read the semi-annual journal of the Community of Communes to discover all the news about it ... and adopt all the caution exercised when reading anything else outside of this official information.
The newspaper should arrive in your mailbox within ten days.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dog Loose Tooth Implant
Gallery Granite , Scene Nationale de Belfort
1 fbg Montbéliard
Admission free Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h,
Sunday from 15h to 19h Note
closed between 20/12 and 1 / 01
March 1984 58 67 50
http://www. theatregranit.com /
- What you see here?
- Ben, a feather ....
- look better.
territories explored by Olivier Leroi are gratifying. From Antarctica to the simple folding of paper silver cardboard, the artist's artistic practice based on their surroundings, on his life experience.
A gallery of Granite, It features drawings, collages and installations, in which he juggles with words and images with humor and finesse. The random shapes, associations of ideas and interpretations that can actually offer a different perspective, a new power to things. Free, he visits his world, creating a fresh poetic dimension and offset, a humble balance with the elements, animals, plants, energy ....
Olivier Leroi puts his finger on possible stories, to open up what is not directly perceptible, to dare to see and play the hidden meaning of it ... fun. There are a lot of things to see .... Look better.
Frédérique Foulla
Top: Bottom
Fringe: The geometry taught to tits
Monday, November 15, 2010
Pms Breast Vs Pregnancy Breast

Enjoy a selection of twelve wines by discovering a live band: this is what both offer months Fridays at Cellar Beaulieu-sur-Layon . Initiated by a group of volunteers from the town almost ten years ago, the drink-tasting cellar is the appointment of wine lovers and lovers of music.
Friday, November 26, the picturesque Beaulieu Wine perk up with the rock duo Nantes Project Extra Systole . Influenced by Benjamin Biolay or Dominique A, the duo will present to the public Angevin his new album while electric chills. With Project Extra-systole, the Cellar Fridays venues moments of real poetry to be enjoyed with a glass of Anjou.
and Anjou, it will be y 'to eat! Even Anjou of all colors, developed by growers of natural and unpretentious lounge Angels-Wine , who tend to the day after Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné. Since their inception, the Cave Fridays have always supported these young local winemakers, quality-minded, respect for nature and to share their wines in an easy and relaxed. For the
Fridays Cellar is above all an opportunity to have a good time, all senses, the time a drink with friends. The principle is simple, just go to Beaulieu-sur-Layon between 20h and 23h and be carried away by the atmosphere. Admission is free and the group is to discover throughout the evening. The Tasting is open to all audiences and the wines presented are from all walks of life - with this Friday, November 26, a horizon very very Angevin!
Fridays at the Vault
Friday, November 26, 2010
Twelve wines to taste + Project Extra Systole live
The Vault - 3, rue Saint Vincent Beaulieu sur Layon
From 20h to 23h and
Free Free
And to continue the evening ... Beaulieu sur Layon
not fold this Friday, November 26 for leaving the Cave, head for the Hall of Saint Louis (still in Beaulieu so) for Wheels Festival Veiled and Bad Fads takes over until dawn with live Lo'Jo Trio
Pad Brapad Moujika and Boris Meat!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Przyczyny Proby Uduszenia
Showcases the pavement
7, Place Victor Hugo - 25000 Besançon
03 81 81 91 57
http:/ / www.pavedanslamare.org/
Free admission Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h
white figures emerge from the black ink on bristol poured and painted by the artist of Dutch origin Sabien Witteman. These men are businessmen, men of power. For the exhibition "Made in pavement," he was given the opportunity to push his artistic accompanying step an entrepreneur and politician in all phases of their everyday work. Thus, the mayor of Besançon, Jean-Louis Fousseret and CEO Breitling lent themselves to exercise.
These "portraits" are the resulting image of an observation patient rights in the exercise of his power. Rather than instantaneous superficial impression, the artist seeks to understand. His paternal grandfather was in the fifties, Minister of Home Affairs in the Netherlands. A separation of his parents, issues of power were found, disrupting the childhood of the artist who is currently pursuing its questions about power and money.
His inks are both true analysis and visions projected unconscious power questioned, admired and feared. The application image is like therapy. Forms and ideas emerge from the black a bit like a Rorschach ink. What do we see? What is known as What do these men live their power? Of about posture? The domain of the man himself?
responsibilities, choices, money, decision-making, the gap is wide between the men of power, authority, and men without. The power he would become an end in itself? Fine analysis, drawings activists, sketches of possible inks Sabien Witteman are like notes, ideas, questions and criticisms .... until the wheel turns ...
Frédérique Foulla

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Olimelt Tablet Side Effects
Granite Gallery, National Theatre of Belfort Montbéliard
a fbg
Free Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h,
Sunday from 15h to 19h
March 1984 58 67 50
landing on Mars. Everywhere the red. The illusion of a soil horizon until boiling. An immersion into the unknown? Not really.
the middle of the gallery, a kind of control tower, platforms, orbiters ... both reassuring and disturbing futuristic architecture childish constructions, these structures, like the color of the plant world, reflect what we imagine to belong to the world of space exploration and more specifically to the Martian adventure.
Referring both to scientific missions aliens, as the comics, literature, or science fiction, David Renaud moved to the Gallery of Granite, to explore a territory that any the world knows, from near or far, ie, a representation mental and poetic of the planet Mars, in which all interpretations are welcome, all utopias are possible ...
perception of places, their representation and physical reality are often very different, but what is the good, the fairer or more pleasant, if there is one?
Frédérique Foulla

Friday, October 8, 2010
Carolina Ap Bio Lab 5
Free Welcome Speech For School Function
One Friday in the Cave is a lot of smiles, laughter, words, glasses, wines of all colors worn on the lips of all colors. On Friday, September 24, 2010 was the return to the heart of the subject live with the subtle and charming duo The Delfs who charmed all eyes and all ears. In
radius wine, anyone could wish to enjoy one of twelve bottles presented. All were perfect, but if one should remember that it would be in the Alsace of Julien Meyer, entitled Sea and Shells, which as its name suggests, is a wine that does not refuse a company navy.
Nobody can better talk about this wine's charming blog Aurelia Bu Web .
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Maxine Cartoons On Death

Ursuline Rooms - 1 rue des Ursulines (near Museum Garret)
Free admission, from 14h to 18h every day except Tuesdays and holidays
March 1984 97 16 60
http://www.vesoul. com /
series of drawings to present Alex Claude Ursuline was conducted specifically for the site. Like an apparition, the same woman with short hair holds the paper. References in the Middle Ages, in chiaroscuro, Rouault and Matisse, his chalk drawings, oily and dry, and wash, assimilated by their economy of means and colors, prints or lithographs . Graphic signs, strong and symbolic, they sound like a presence.
Frédérique Foulla
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Can You Take A Shower After Waxing
In 19 at the Allan at the Mals and Museum Beurnier Rossel
Irene Banchero (arg) - Bernard Boyer - Nicolas Chardon - Philippe Companion - Damascus Martine - Dominica Dehais - Tatjana Doll - Gerard Fabre - Nicolas Guiet - Rodolphe Huguet - Remy Hysbergue - Shirley Kaneda (USA) - Carlos Kusnir (en & arg) - Lamarche & Ovize - Alain Lambilliotte - Dominique Liquois - Valeria Maculan (arg) - Dove Marcasiano - Guillaume Millet - Sebastian Nicolini - Laurence Papouin - Pablo Rosales (arg) - Roussopoulos - Salpisti s & Martinez - Francis Schmitt - Catherine Serikoff - Peter Stämpfli - Remi Uchéda - Villard - Aegis Viloux
One fine September sun, four places to visit in the country for an exhibition of Montbéliard eclectic, colorful, composite and joyful.
. It is under this heading that are gathered 30 artists, more or less young, more or less known. The exhibition brings together, as the commissioner of the artists who practice a mixture of genres, blithely crossing boundaries between disciplines and practices. And there are many, disciplines and practices of border art, for example, decoration, architecture, film, photography, sound design, choreography, music, crafts, literature, performance, etc. ...
Some artists exhibited rather play their "transfrontaliérité" with territories such as abstraction, the readymade, aesthetics, social, art history, space, information technology, humor, etc. ... Difficult in this case an artist not to be cross .....
short. Individual artists, artworks and interesting itineraries, including its research around the abstraction of Bernard and Catherine Boyer Serikoff, installation (beautiful sunny day) and colored calligraphy notebooks very poetic Francis Schmitt, the occupation of space which realizes Nicolas Guiet abstract volumes in bold colors that adhere to architecture, to name a few.
Collectively, exposure rich input and possible ways for the visitor, a trip to the heart of the teachings of the art of the twentieth century, a good time of colors and shapes ...
Frédérique Foulla
top view of exposure to 19
From left to right: Irene Banchero
, Estanque , 2008/2010
Laurence Papouin, suspended green paint, 2009
Exhibition view at Mals
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Homemade Pontoon Boat Motor Mount
Poetry in the winery, 2010. The meeting
Claro / Olivier Melano. Playing CosmoZ (Actes Sud)
Warning event. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJEg5hfRhiQ
Those in Jurançon September 16
will remember these forty minutes
others will learn by the band that
History went through there.

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Remove Cyst Dog How To

The aperitif wine and music is back in the Cave of Beaulieu sur Layon on Friday, September 24, 2010. Twelve wines to be tasted and a group to see live: The Delfs
The Delfs : Delphine's and Marc! Delphine, mounted on springs, is a ball of energy, focusing on words and the microphone. Marc is phlegmatic when it's his voice that speaks, but the great body tie is carried away by the music he plays. Delphine character displays a fresh, spontaneous, transparent, Mark is cynical. The thread that links them? A lucid. They expose the foibles of everyday life, the couple or the society, their songs are always filled with humor and tenderness. Lyrics and music continue to back the ball to the audience by revealing an original and yet very universel.Un duo that plays incessantly with the substance and form!
wines: it is a selection of twelve bottles chosen depending on meetings and tastings in the cellar team. The wines come from all walks of life, provided they tell something, a country, a story, a life, a woman, a man, an adventure ... well that's when the wine you drink and with whom we drinks it.
Au Caveau is eaten without pretension, without words, just for fun and in moderation. Open to all those who love wine, music and partying without fuss !
The Cellar
3, rue Saint Vincent 49750 Beaulieu sur Layon
Admission is free and open from 20h to 23h.
Discover The Delfs on their Myspace
Photo: Cecile Menger
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What Is Cervical Spine Mrilooking For

CHANGING TIMES. Time poetry had fifty years late. Fast cutting, radical was required. A full U-turn, an emergency. It took the release of the blank page and resurface. First it was the work of artists called sound poetry in the late 60s. Names? Heidseick Bernard Henri Chopin cousins? Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs. The hello
of poetry in all its forms, has come to the scene. It was a progressive effort has borne fruit. Today, everywhere in Europe, the public is not insignificant in number to listen to poets. The living voice out of his confinement with rage.

voice Javier Carnicer, the "sound" of Justo Bagueste, projections Orencio Boix : the show is total

POETRY IN THE CELLAR festival border .......
Fruits of the Earth "Wine"
Sophie Meier - visual artist - on the theme of creation WINE
Didier Bourda-Jesus Aured - poetry & music It also plays improvised
Benedicte Le Bec - winemaker, Jean and Françoise Casaubielh , wineries; Darrigan Clovis chemist; people Slow food, etc..
Friday, September 17, 2009 - Jurançon-16h00_Médiathèque Jurançon -
_Rencontre Vazemsky with Dimitri, poet, artist
black men, wearing balaclavas, roped up, crossed the English border in the spring of 2010.
They wore red letters and words POETRY POESIA on the back.
The sherpas of the Mountain House led the expedition.
Vazemsky Dimitri was there en route to nearby Spain.
Meeting and discussion with the young audience jurançons
_Médiathèque Jurançon 6:00 p.m. - free entry
Inauguration of Poetry in the cellars 2010 / Opening of Facility Photographic Dimitri Vazemsky
_Interventions disorderly group of English artists Zaragoza Experimentos in da notte
Paul Malatesta (electric guitar, keyboards)
Luis Cebrián (acoustic guitar, vocals)
Octavio Gómez Milián and Manuel Vilas (poets)
Spoken Word or rock story, as they like to call it. Texts that are interspersed with melodies environmental voices that change the poems into songs, guitars lazy His influences are Leonard Cohen, Justo Bagüeste & Javier Carnicer, El Hombre Burbuja, Gainsbourg and Michel Houellebecq ...
20:00 - Jurançon - Square Junqua -
booth tasting the wine growers of the Wine Route Jurançon / bookstore / Onsite.
21.00 - Jurançon - Square Junqua - tent - free admission -
_ Play-show "PAMELA" by Sebastian Dicenaire (Brussels, sound poetry)
Dicenaire Sebastian is a writer and performer sound. For several years he gives readings, performances, solo or in groups, mingling voices, samples and melodies
" Pamela, is a Harlequin romance metaphysics. Pamela is a young blonde woman leaning on the balustrade of white teak wood overlooking the Bay of Palm Beach. Pamela ...... this is / Pamela is / Pamela is / Pamela (...) "
Creating Claro / Olivier Mellano.
Both artists dreamed of working together. Poetry in the winery gives them the keys of the truck. Event.
Claro is a "literary treasure hunter", which regularly publishes novels and stories while reflecting the great writers of contemporary English literature, including William T. Vollmann, Thomas Pynchon, Salman Rushdie, John Barth etc.. It is a cartographer shifted in contemporary literature.
Mellano Olivier (born in Rennes in 1971) is a guitarist, songwriter and performer who has worked alongside (Dominique A, Yann Tiersen, Miossec) and many other groups (B, Laetitia Sheriff, Sloy, Polar Psykick Lyrikah, Mud Flow ...). He writes and composes in his group, Mobiil, as well as for dance and theater. He also set to music "Dawn" Murnau and Cold Buffet Bertrand Blier
------------------------------ --------
Poetry in the winery, 2009 - Saturday, September 18
Monein & Lacommande
15h - Domaine Nigri - Monein . Plays-meetings - free entry
Claro (poetry) and Laure Limongi (poetry) with Olivier Melano (guitar) /
Claro is a writer and translator; Laure Limongi is a poet and editor: their relationship to texts and books is singular, unique also:
17h - Domain Bordenave - Monein. free admission
3 Plays Spectator / Didier Bourda (poetry) & Jesus Aured (accordion) / Manuel Vilas (poetry) / Octavio Gomez Milian (poetry) & Experimentos group in da notte
19:00 - Commandery House & Wine - Lacommande. . free admission
staged reading: Laure Limongi (poetry) & Olivier Mellano (guitar) /
"I am the only sign of my mind, fragile. The plural is killing me, it overwhelmed me.
Jack and the others, all the other Jack. I constantly invent a face,
gestures, a glance, desires ... Laure Limongi
tasting. Restoration onsite
20:30 - (House of Wines - Lacommande) - Admission: 5 euros
staged reading TINA (There Is No Alternative) Emmanuel Adely by Children of Paradise
In real life Life / true / is a moment when you got to give you nice work be thoroughly competent dynamic /(...) it not start / mocks the money you do not care about your face it is for others / and girls the other is for girls is like the money it becomes inaccessible / fantasy ...
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
LIJAS. Lecture-Concert From
Javier Carnicer (poet, Huesca); Justo Bagueste (saxophone, Madrid); Orencio Boix (pictures)
A trio of the most notable sets of Spain, combines poetry with free jazz The most inventive. Projections "amazing" de Boix. Numerous festivals in Europe. Not to be missed .
Booking: 0559 June 1994 25-0559 82 70 30
with the support of the City of Jurançon , the association of vintners indeépendanst Wine Route Jurançon , network media centers of Chipboard the Pau-Pyrenees, General Council 64, Aquitaine, Aquitaine stage
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Spray Tan Holiday Slogans
Museum of Fine Arts Dole
85 rue des Arenes
Free admission every day except Sunday and Monday morning from 10am to 12pm
and 14h-18h, 20h open Wednesdays until March 1984
79 25 85
Margaret Bobey - Guinot-Charlotte Bacot - Thomas Henriot - Rodolphe Huguet - Gerald Mainier - Hugo Boss SCHUWER- - Maxime Vernier
In spring, the Museum presented the exhibition Dole Contemporary Art to all floors exhibition that showed 30 years to acquire contemporary art, which included a focus on an acquisition policy-oriented young artists. This summer, with exposure Nouvelle Vague, the museum takes this idea by presenting the work of seven young artists Franche-Comte.
performance with Margaret Bobey, painting and Gerald Mainier Hugo Boss SCHUWER-, sculpture Rodophe Huguet and Maxime Vernier, drawing by Thomas Henriot, video, among others, at Charlotte-Bacot Guinot ... .. Works
different, unique, promising, in general.
In particular, we note, Cyma , Rodolphe Huguet, brambles as a metal chair rails, empty. The work blends into the white wall. Closer, the bramble defensive mid, mid-attack, calls for an instinctive distrust of bilateral pain. It is not easy to showing art. How to share his art with the public, engage in criticism? At the same time, museums are defending themselves and question their side, their choice of clashes. Thorny issue.
Not easy being a young artist. There on the wall next to the video I do not know what to do Guinot- Charlotte Bacot, illustrating the issues that interest young artists, their art project, their involvement in art and their future, there is a small image, protected by a broad framework that looks good for her, Iris * Watercolor precious tears, is a concentrate of sense and poetry ...
See also the Museum of Dole Scenes of the Passion of Christ , a remarkable work in the Museum since 1828, has recently the subject of a major restoration work. The composition of the wood panel, originally attributed to the school of Leyden, is based on a drawing by Dürer dating from 1505. The work was restored by Frederick Orvas, conservator of paintings at Regional Centre for restoration and conservation of works of art Vesoul (CRRCOA). Until October 3.
Frédérique Foulla

Above: Gerald Mainier, untitled (cascade Tuffs), 2006 * Charlotte
Guinot-Bacot, Iris, 2006