Granite Gallery, National Theatre of Belfort Montbéliard
a fbg
Free Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h,
Sunday from 15h to 19h
March 1984 58 67 50
landing on Mars. Everywhere the red. The illusion of a soil horizon until boiling. An immersion into the unknown? Not really.
the middle of the gallery, a kind of control tower, platforms, orbiters ... both reassuring and disturbing futuristic architecture childish constructions, these structures, like the color of the plant world, reflect what we imagine to belong to the world of space exploration and more specifically to the Martian adventure.
Referring both to scientific missions aliens, as the comics, literature, or science fiction, David Renaud moved to the Gallery of Granite, to explore a territory that any the world knows, from near or far, ie, a representation mental and poetic of the planet Mars, in which all interpretations are welcome, all utopias are possible ...
perception of places, their representation and physical reality are often very different, but what is the good, the fairer or more pleasant, if there is one?
Frédérique Foulla

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