16-17-18 September 2010

CHANGING TIMES. Time poetry had fifty years late. Fast cutting, radical was required. A full U-turn, an emergency. It took the release of the blank page and resurface. First it was the work of artists called sound poetry in the late 60s. Names? Heidseick Bernard Henri Chopin cousins? Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs. The hello
of poetry in all its forms, has come to the scene. It was a progressive effort has borne fruit. Today, everywhere in Europe, the public is not insignificant in number to listen to poets. The living voice out of his confinement with rage.
illustrators are coming to the winery in Poetry , French (Bobillot, Azam, Pennequin, Neve, gutter, Dubost, Chambard, Loubes, etc..), The Belgium (Dicenaire), Polish (Marek Bienczyk ..)
Today Spaniards arrived in force Huesca, Zaragoza and Barcelona. And Laure Limongi, and Claro and Olivier guiariste Mellano ...... 
voice Javier Carnicer, the "sound" of Justo Bagueste, projections Orencio Boix : the show is total

POETRY IN THE CELLAR festival border .......
Thursday, September 16 - 20h - Media Este - Billere
Fruits of the Earth "Wine"
Sophie Meier - visual artist - on the theme of creation WINE
Didier Bourda-Jesus Aured - poetry & music It also plays improvised
Benedicte Le Bec - winemaker, Jean and Françoise Casaubielh , wineries; Darrigan Clovis chemist; people Slow food, etc..
Fruits of the Earth "Wine"
Sophie Meier - visual artist - on the theme of creation WINE
Didier Bourda-Jesus Aured - poetry & music It also plays improvised
Benedicte Le Bec - winemaker, Jean and Françoise Casaubielh , wineries; Darrigan Clovis chemist; people Slow food, etc..
Friday, September 17, 2009 - Jurançon-16h00_Médiathèque Jurançon -
_Rencontre Vazemsky with Dimitri, poet, artist
black men, wearing balaclavas, roped up, crossed the English border in the spring of 2010.
They wore red letters and words POETRY POESIA on the back.
The sherpas of the Mountain House led the expedition.
Vazemsky Dimitri was there en route to nearby Spain.
Meeting and discussion with the young audience jurançons
_Médiathèque Jurançon 6:00 p.m. - free entry
Inauguration of Poetry in the cellars 2010 / Opening of Facility Photographic Dimitri Vazemsky
_Interventions disorderly group of English artists Zaragoza Experimentos in da notte
Paul Malatesta (electric guitar, keyboards)
Luis Cebrián (acoustic guitar, vocals)
Octavio Gómez Milián and Manuel Vilas (poets)
Spoken Word or rock story, as they like to call it. Texts that are interspersed with melodies environmental voices that change the poems into songs, guitars lazy His influences are Leonard Cohen, Justo Bagüeste & Javier Carnicer, El Hombre Burbuja, Gainsbourg and Michel Houellebecq ...
20:00 - Jurançon - Square Junqua -
booth tasting the wine growers of the Wine Route Jurançon / bookstore / Onsite.
21.00 - Jurançon - Square Junqua - tent - free admission -
_ Play-show "PAMELA" by Sebastian Dicenaire (Brussels, sound poetry)
Dicenaire Sebastian is a writer and performer sound. For several years he gives readings, performances, solo or in groups, mingling voices, samples and melodies
" Pamela, is a Harlequin romance metaphysics. Pamela is a young blonde woman leaning on the balustrade of white teak wood overlooking the Bay of Palm Beach. Pamela ...... this is / Pamela is / Pamela is / Pamela (...) "
Creating Claro / Olivier Mellano.
Both artists dreamed of working together. Poetry in the winery gives them the keys of the truck. Event.
Claro is a "literary treasure hunter", which regularly publishes novels and stories while reflecting the great writers of contemporary English literature, including William T. Vollmann, Thomas Pynchon, Salman Rushdie, John Barth etc.. It is a cartographer shifted in contemporary literature.
Mellano Olivier (born in Rennes in 1971) is a guitarist, songwriter and performer who has worked alongside (Dominique A, Yann Tiersen, Miossec) and many other groups (B, Laetitia Sheriff, Sloy, Polar Psykick Lyrikah, Mud Flow ...). He writes and composes in his group, Mobiil, as well as for dance and theater. He also set to music "Dawn" Murnau and Cold Buffet Bertrand Blier
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Poetry in the winery, 2009 - Saturday, September 18
Monein & Lacommande
15h - Domaine Nigri - Monein . Plays-meetings - free entry
Claro (poetry) and Laure Limongi (poetry) with Olivier Melano (guitar) /
Claro is a writer and translator; Laure Limongi is a poet and editor: their relationship to texts and books is singular, unique also:
17h - Domain Bordenave - Monein. free admission
3 Plays Spectator / Didier Bourda (poetry) & Jesus Aured (accordion) / Manuel Vilas (poetry) / Octavio Gomez Milian (poetry) & Experimentos group in da notte
19:00 - Commandery House & Wine - Lacommande. . free admission
staged reading: Laure Limongi (poetry) & Olivier Mellano (guitar) /
"I am the only sign of my mind, fragile. The plural is killing me, it overwhelmed me.
Jack and the others, all the other Jack. I constantly invent a face,
gestures, a glance, desires ... Laure Limongi
tasting. Restoration onsite
20:30 - (House of Wines - Lacommande) - Admission: 5 euros
staged reading TINA (There Is No Alternative) Emmanuel Adely by Children of Paradise
In real life Life / true / is a moment when you got to give you nice work be thoroughly competent dynamic /(...) it not start / mocks the money you do not care about your face it is for others / and girls the other is for girls is like the money it becomes inaccessible / fantasy ...
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LIJAS. Lecture-Concert From
Javier Carnicer (poet, Huesca); Justo Bagueste (saxophone, Madrid); Orencio Boix (pictures)
A trio of the most notable sets of Spain, combines poetry with free jazz The most inventive. Projections "amazing" de Boix. Numerous festivals in Europe. Not to be missed .
Booking: 0559 June 1994 25-0559 82 70 30
with the support of the City of Jurançon , the association of vintners indeépendanst Wine Route Jurançon , network media centers of Chipboard the Pau-Pyrenees, General Council 64, Aquitaine, Aquitaine stage
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