Friday January 28, 2011 , Fridays are the Cave EMMTRAY group for an evening of wine tasting and music discovery. EMMTRAY that is the project of two guitarists and a bassist gathered around the same passion for gypsy jazz. The influence of Django Tchavolo, Romane, Angelo, is everywhere around their repertoire consists mainly of standards has own tradition.
Fridays at the Cave are open to all from 20h to 23h at the Caveau de Beaulieu sur Layon twelve wines to taste and discover a live band. Admission is free!
wines to be tasted are from all walks of life and developed by winemakers passionate and exciting.
Friday, January 28, 2011
From 20h to 23h
From 20h to 23h
Free admission
The Cellar
3 rue Saint Vincent
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