Chapel City Hall - 58 rue Paul Morel
Free admission, 14h to 18h every day except Tuesdays and holidays
March 1984 97 16 60
"I read your blog about" me "she said before leaving.
Fatima Augusto is an artist's self-portrait.
Troublante meeting. On the walls, the paintings succeed, portraits of a woman or two women are identical, still the same woman, the same is telling me about his work.
Words: the subject is always available. Methodical, she uses her image, or scan directly from its reflection in the mirror, to create "paintings", anecdotal, entertaining, each piece has a story ...
For technical powder pigments worked directly on canvas sheet ground provides a look fragile works, transparency, a kind of distance can be ... Yet dry, this technique provides a fully diluted, wet, moving ... His masters, Goya, Rembrandt, Bacon, Velasquez ...
The visitor is free to imagine that it is .... It is double, it is multiple, it is like all of us. A self-portrait is a portrait of "almost" like the others .... Like "to portray someone" notes from a certain point of view, the self-portrait, in what one chooses to tell the other in the emotion that is put to talk. Everything changes, nothing is fixed, the image we have of ourselves is never the same, it is clean or in the eyes of others.
So, that is my view on the work of Fatima, that the emotion she sent me these are the thoughts that inspired me, questions, words, ellipsis, finally talking about her as much as me ....
Frédérique Foulla
top, Mona Scan
down, Abyss , Self-portraits mouth, Trout
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