Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Anniversay Program Template

Intervention FRANK MORZUCH College Chateaudun in Belfort


Morzuch Frank is very active in the region. The artist
High Saônoises, whose work was the subject of an article in October last worked at this end of the school year with students from the fourth (110 students) College Street Chateaudun in Belfort, a theme dear to him, anamorphosis. The participation of students, by their questions, their investment in the collection of objects all red or all white and of course the very conception of the work contributed to their awareness between work, image and reality.

Title of work: The table is set!
The result is visually striking. Congratulations to the students, Frank Morzuch and Sonia Barral (art teacher) for their work.

Currently Frank Morzuch presents two monumental sculptures in Illkirch (67). In early October, as part of events labeled "Intelligences wood," he will speak both as artist and curator for an exhibition in the Plumbing, the new center dedicated to contemporary art in the city of Epinal.
work Belfort college introduced a video film project in partnership with the National Education, the CG90, the Museums of Belfort and Multimedia Gantner of Bourogne. In this project students will participate both physically chromatically and at work, by staging the form of anamorphosis, a large circle traveled by running, walking or cycling. Beyond their mere inclusion in the circle, students and based on the show, creating doubt as to his visual perception.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Funny Wedding Invite Inserts

Notice Wine and wine costs

The fridge is sold out of the vault for this Friday, June 25! Only good bottles, a selection with onions with numerous discoveries unearthed at Surprising Wines .
See you Friday, June 25, at 19h in Caveau Beaulieu sur Layon. Free admission!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

How Much Does A Nevada Drivers Licenses Cost

FATIMA AUGUSTO Exhibition Exhibition in Vesoul

VESOUL until August 1

Chapel City Hall - 58 rue Paul Morel
Free admission, 14h to 18h every day except Tuesdays and holidays
March 1984 97 16 60

"I read your blog about" me "she said before leaving.
Fatima Augusto is an artist's self-portrait.

Troublante meeting. On the walls, the paintings succeed, portraits of a woman or two women are identical, still the same woman, the same is telling me about his work.

Words: the subject is always available. Methodical, she uses her image, or scan directly from its reflection in the mirror, to create "paintings", anecdotal, entertaining, each piece has a story ...
For technical powder pigments worked directly on canvas sheet ground provides a look fragile works, transparency, a kind of distance can be ... Yet dry, this technique provides a fully diluted, wet, moving ... His masters, Goya, Rembrandt, Bacon, Velasquez ...

The visitor is free to imagine that it is .... It is double, it is multiple, it is like all of us. A self-portrait is a portrait of "almost" like the others .... Like "to portray someone" notes from a certain point of view, the self-portrait, in what one chooses to tell the other in the emotion that is put to talk. Everything changes, nothing is fixed, the image we have of ourselves is never the same, it is clean or in the eyes of others.

So, that is my view on the work of Fatima, that the emotion she sent me these are the thoughts that inspired me, questions, words, ellipsis, finally talking about her as much as me ....

Frédérique Foulla


top, Mona Scan
down, Abyss , Self-portraits mouth, Trout

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fireflies Ron Pope Klaviernoten

pop with Ny: Na Valès

Friday, June 25, on Fridays the Cave moved into their garden under the sun of Anjou. This is an opportunity to celebrate the arrival of summer with a glass in hand and ears wide open. Between 19h and 23h, the Fridays Cellar offers twelve wines to taste and a live band to discover: Ny: na Valès .

Ny: na Valès is a charming poetic-pop duo composed by Yann Savel guitars and singer Natalie Carudel, with samplers and other electronic instruments. With their debut album in 2008, they exude a current song, high melodies, original texts, supported by a clear voice and rich background of rock guitars and rhythmic electronica.

All senses

Visually, the duo dressed as a scene evolves into a luminous, while lanterns and glamorous accessories that creates a real universe cozy and sparkling. Both audio and visual environments Ny: na Valès engage all the senses.

After hearing and sight is the sense of smell and taste that will be asked to accompany the music. As each evening, the team selects Fridays Cellar twelve wines as many blows of heart and offer them for tasting. The wines are made by passionate winemakers, keen to develop products sincere and without tricks, wines that tell a story.

At Cellar, wine can be enjoyed without technology and without fuss and all titles are welcome. Everyone tasted her way to have a good time and learn about wines from all walks of life. Fridays at the Vault are open to all public and admission is free.

FRIDAY THE CELLAR - Friday, June 25, 2010
Ny: na Valès live + Twelve wines to be tasted
From 19h to 23h - Free admission.

Monday, June 7, 2010

What Is Hyperintense Lesion

YAN Zoritchak Sochaux

SOCHAUX until July 3

The MALS - 2nd floor of City Hall
Free Tuesday
Sunday 15h - 18h30 except holidays
March 1981 94 78 33

His glass sculptures are worlds. In the crystal bohemian cast, the artist organizes shapes and colors, shows bubbles, fingerprints ... It sharpens the edges, creating prisms which increase views. The look

navigates the cosmos works internally, meeting miles planets and asteroids, and then escapes through transparency in the exhibition space, discovering the other sculptures. Every light, every corner offers a new perspective. Surprisingly, the work of Yan Zoritchak challenges our visual perception. How many are there bubbles? Are they really believe where we see them?

Frédérique Foulla