Chapel City Hall - 58 rue Paul Morel
Free admission, from 14h to 18h daily except Tuesdays and holidays
03 84 97 16 60
Pierre Vachin lives around Narbonne. This man of the south currently has paintings in the chapel of the Hôtel de Ville de Vesoul.
Lyrical Abstraction. Yes, okay, but behind this generic term, we must, as regards the painting of Peter Vachin, identify and understand the fragility, uniqueness and intimacy of what is happening on the web, because here is a part of himself that the artist we book.
child he was fascinated by archeology, excavations, the rawness of rock paintings, the art of peoples elsewhere too. Today, the artist is still a part of his inspiration in the primitive appearance may suggest that these small pieces of wood mixed with earth and leaves that cover the paths they follow. Pebbles, bark, gravel, dust ... "You can make poetry with anything" he says.
On the web, Accident ruptures, spots in traces, impressions are multiple paths are many. We find outbreaks fossilistiques, symbols, archaic kinds of writings, some traces of vegetation ... The colors mastered surprise us yet again. Some violence, unconscious, sensitive, tormented ... Painting as a way to bridge a gap or, it seems rather to seek a "more" for Pierre Vachin, painting is simply "a way to exist."
Frédérique Foulla
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