Saturday, January 30, 2010

How To Make A Motorcyclegumpaste

The August beams Wine Beaulieu resonates agreements magic Gainsbourg revisited by the duo Moi Non Plus. Between two notes, always warm and many public Vault tasted no soft, twelve wines from all walks of life. At Cellar wines are divided by three in four menus which names are assigned at the discretion of moods. Many thanks to the taste buds that have made the trip. Appointment in March! I love you

Coteaux du Layon - Domaine Matignon (Anjou)
Guillhem pink - Mill Gassac - (Languedoc)
Pichot Roucas - Eric Bouletin (Vacqueyras)

Oh, yes I love you
Clos Roche Blanche - Catherine Roussel (Touraine)
Bran: The Reason and the Angel - Gilles Azzoni (Ardèche)
The Arbutus - Mas Bruguiere - Pic Saint Loup (Languedoc)

Me neither
Cuvée friends - Marc Pesnot (Pays Nantais)
Tam Tam - Edward Laffite (Languedoc)
Flor del Montgo - (Spain) (Available at Cellar)

Oh, my love
Imprint time - Domaine Ferrer Ribiere (Rivesaltes)
Friends of Bouissières - Domaine La Bouissières (Gigondas)
Flambadou - Jean-François Coutelou (Languedoc)

Some of these wines are purchased on the site en

Friday, January 22, 2010

Becoming A Mortician In Florida

A small bike in the bottle

For Fridays Cellar wines we like to loosen up a bit and exit paths (vines) beaten. A bit like this Pichot-Roucas Eric Bouletin that we can enjoy Friday, January 29, a wine country of the Mediterranean franc necklace, ideal for enjoying chatting with friends with good ears Gainsbourg (from cabbage). Wines, there will be twelve different to discover and no cheap wine cellars, as plonk worked in engineering practice (not by pigs).

Mas Bruguiere - Pic Saint Loup
Friends of the Bouissière - Gingondas
Mas de la Seranne - Languedoc
Mill Gassac - Languedoc
Flor del Montgo Monastrell - From sunny Spain

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Return Without Receipt

the World to Poetry in the cellar? Affirmative

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Are Some Dance Costume Catalogues

At Cellar, which is In, which was Out? Twelve Angels

A voice and an organ to revisit the repertoire of Gainsbourg, there 'has not cold ears! Moi Non Plus does not covers, Moi Non Plus offers a new reading of faithful but the master's work, in all humility. Sebastian Rousselet (Alias Babel) and Jean-François Perrault unite the voices and organ to curl between Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg.

Fridays at the Vault are very proud to receive the duo Moi Non Plus the Friday, January 29, 2010 to spend a whole evening alongside Melody Nelson, L'ami Caouette disctuer with crack and for the sake of Marilou.

Fridays at the Vault is also every time a new tasting of twelve wines made by winemakers who know that the vine grows under the sun.

Moi Non Plus + tasting of 12 wines
Friday, January 29, 2010 - From 19h to 23h
Free admission
The Cellar
3 rue Saint Vincent
49750 Beaulieu sur Layon